Exploring Mesh Discretization Error Methods in ANSYS

Mesh discretization error is a crucial aspect of numerical simulations that can significantly impact the accuracy and reliability of results obtained through ANSYS software. In this blog post, we’ll delve into various methods and techniques available in ANSYS to assess, quantify, and mitigate mesh discretization error, empowering engineers to achieve more robust and trustworthy simulation outcomes.

Understanding Mesh Discretization Error:

Mesh discretization error arises from the finite element approximation of complex geometries in numerical simulations. It results from the discrepancy between the true continuous solution of the physical problem and the discrete numerical solution obtained through meshing.

Methods to Address Mesh Discretization Error in ANSYS:

  1. Grid Convergence Study:
    • Conducting grid convergence studies involves systematically refining the mesh and observing changes in simulation results.
    • By comparing solutions obtained with different mesh densities, engineers can estimate the error reduction as the mesh is refined.
  2. Error Estimation Techniques:
    • ANSYS provides tools for estimating discretization error, such as Richardson extrapolation and error indicators.
    • Richardson extrapolation involves solving the same problem with different mesh sizes and extrapolating to a reference solution to estimate error.
    • Error indicators identify regions of high error concentration within the mesh, guiding mesh refinement efforts.
  3. Verification and Validation:
    • Verification involves assessing the accuracy of numerical methods and software implementations through analytical solutions or manufactured solutions.
    • Validation entails comparing simulation results with experimental data to ensure the model accurately represents real-world behavior.
    • These processes help identify and quantify sources of error, including mesh discretization error.
  4. Adaptive Mesh Refinement:
    • ANSYS offers adaptive meshing capabilities that automatically refine the mesh in regions of interest based on solution gradients or error indicators.
    • Adaptive mesh refinement optimizes computational resources by concentrating mesh refinement efforts where they are most needed to reduce discretization error.
  5. Sensitivity Analysis:
    • Sensitivity analysis involves systematically varying mesh parameters, such as element size or type, and observing their effects on simulation results.
    • By quantifying the influence of mesh discretization error on key outputs, engineers can make informed decisions regarding meshing strategies.


Mesh discretization error methods in ANSYS provide engineers with valuable tools and techniques to assess, quantify, and mitigate error in numerical simulations. By leveraging grid convergence studies, error estimation techniques, verification and validation, adaptive mesh refinement, and sensitivity analysis, engineers can enhance the accuracy, reliability, and trustworthiness of simulation results. As we continue to explore the capabilities of ANSYS software, mastering these methods will be instrumental in achieving engineering excellence and advancing innovation across various domains. Stay tuned for further insights into optimizing simulations for real-world success.